It's been a year

It's been a year since I've last sat down at the dinner table in my front parlor.
It's been a year since I've given my mom a hug.

It's been a year since I could feel my own thoughts coursing through my brain.
It's been a year since I believed in the magic of the universe.

It's been a year since I've noticed the fringe on an aspen leaf.
It's been a year since I've tarried at the front of the pack.

It's been a year since I wanted to be an astronaught.
It's been a year since I studied for a spelling test.

It's been a year since I've listened to the wind and the people around me.
It's been a year since I've actually smiled, not out of pity.

It's been a year since I retreated to the lake in the hills,
or the shade tree without leaves in my front yard.

The world is kind to those who member it.
But it takes years to hold onto the memories of your past.

The world is horrid to those who possess it.
And it takes only a moment to forget what you

- Dominic.