
I got lost.
I got lost on the way to the station.
Took a wrong, turning
down a lonely avenue,
where the muskrats roam
and all I find is no home.

I got lost.
I made my way to the station,
Felt a wrong yearning
for someone --
I lost them long ago --
does that matter though?

I got lost.
I left my way from the station
I received a false learning,
from your own inhibitions;
I stepped into the rain,
and got poured on again.

I tried to return home
back where I belonged
but you just keep dragging me away
though I don't feel wronged,

I feel as if I'm trapped,
living a lie between
the cardboard boxes
and the nighttime foxes.

You are my home,
but I'm ready to leave,
to take flight and die,
to take flight and fly


See, I think he was wrong
when you told me love is all I need,
because I tried, 
I'm trying,
and I'm still waiting for some
sign to tell me where to go and what to be and who I am.

You see, now,
I'm dying inside because,
I can't feel the difference between left and up,
and right and down aren't even directions anymore,
because you've thrown me for a loop so long
I've gone loopy.

The old saying goes that "only
rush in." and I'm no fool.
I was just foolish to stand by
and idle all the gas out of my caring.

I'm a blank black canvas, a painters paradise,
write on me all you like.
Tell me how you feel, and let me believe.
I want to be painted white,
At least it'll cover up the storm etching inside me.

I know my body isn't good enough for this swimsuit,
stop telling me that. I'm going to wear it anyway,
and yes, my mother is breathing down my neck,
and yes, I'm tired of all this shit you put me through.

And yes, something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.

Keep moving foreword.
Push your body onward.
Point your compass northward.

Follow all the warning signs.
Follow all the painted lines.

Don't do that, be an individual
who thinks
who breathes
who realizes that theres more to life than yea or nay
that all we need is to say, "hey, how are you today,"
and it'll be fine.

Don't worry about school.
or work
or eating.
You don't need that.
Go ahead, smoke Sarah.

You're right some of the times,

.times of the some wrong You're

Don't leave me in the dust.

Goodbye Sarah.

Don't let me go.

Let me go.

I can't do this without you!

I can do this without you.

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